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Cleveland Metroparks Coaster Set

Original Art Work

Since I moved to Rocky River from Chicago two years ago, the Cleveland Metroparks have not only been a place of relaxation and exercise, but also a place for art and inspiration. I have painted a few of my favorite spots in the parks and I chose these four paintings to create a coaster set for all of those Metropark lovers. I hope you enjoy them! 


Don Moi

Rocky River Reservation

Rocky River Reservation

For this setting, I placed my easel near Big Cedar Point picnic area on a quiet Monday in August. I didn't put much detail into it but on the upper right you can see a suggestion of the Fort Hill stairs.

Lorain Bridge

One of my favorite sites. In this occasion I decided to place my easel under the Old Lorain bridge overseeing the wonderful Lorain Avenue bridte 

Lorain Bridge
Brookpark Bridge

Brookpark Bridge

A wonderful early morning in July, I woke up at dawn, and by the time I had my sketch ready the sun started to go up creating a wonderful contrast of light and shade. Many cyclist passed in front of me therefore I decided to include one in the painting. 

Rocky River

Well, since the main feature in this painting is Rocky River, I decided it had to be the title of this painting. I did this one in the studio because I wanted to capture the sunset and it would have gotten dark before I started painting. This setting is done close to Smoky Memorial looking west. I often see people fishing in this area so I decided to include two people doing their thing.

Rocky River
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